
Second news whoops

Facebook highlights false news story in its trending topics https://www.engadget.com/2016/08/29/facebook-megyn-kelly-fake-news-trending/

Crop Damage



Infowars accounts leaked



Breitbart effect

Trump’s outreach to black voters is a dog whistle for racists.


Quake in Italy

As Residents Slept, Quake Leveled Buildings In Several Italian Towns http://www.npr.org/2016/08/24/491156527/as-residents-slept-quake-levels-buildings-in-several-italian-town

Biggest BSOD ever



Republicans divide further

Koch Network Building A Senate Wall Against Trump http://www.npr.org/2016/08/19/490536965/koch-network-building-a-senate-wall-against-trump?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=news

Bad for people

How the Democrats are failing Obamacare. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/cover_story/2016/08/how_the_democrats_are_failing_obamacare.html

At some point, they better start seeing the flaws in this.

Changing the con

Is Donald Trump About To Flip-Flop On Immigration? : NPR http://www.npr.org/2016/08/22/490910889/to-be-determined-trump-campaign-signals-he-may-moderate-immigration-stance?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=news

More empty threats

U.S.-South Korea War Games Begin Despite Threats From North Korea : The Two-Way : NPR http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/22/490921432/u-s-south-korea-war-games-begin-despite-threats-from-north-korea

One day though, this lunatic might make good on his threats though.

I agree with the "no pivot"

Trump’s Outreach to Black Voters Isn’t About Black Voters http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/08/trump_s_outreach_to_black_voters_isn_t_about_black_voters.html


Kind of cool

In Singapore, First Street Food Vendor Earns Earns A Michelin Star http://www.npr.org/2016/08/20/490738782/in-singapore-first-street-food-vendor-earns-earns-a-michelin-star?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=news


One deluded lady


Only he knows



What an a$$


"The test will apply to all immigrants, yet its obvious target is Muslims, who, as we know, get a bit bomby in the presence of gays, a bit rapey in the presence of women who wear skirts shorter than their ankles and generally a bit hostile and violent around anyone who doesn’t have their bum in the air five times a day."

The author actually thinks this is ok. Seems contradictory to the ideals we express, in "give me your tired, your weak, and your poor."

Just saying......

Great Black Box Show


This man was a hero

The Volunteer Who Rescued Syria's 'Miracle Baby' Is Killed In Aleppo : The Two-Way

NPR http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/13/489906652/the-volunteer-who-rescued-syrias-miracle-baby-is-killed-in-aleppo

I am sure he has faults and was not perfect, but he should still be held as an example of how we should help others.


An incredible man

Cesar Chavez: The Life Behind A Legacy Of Farm Labor Rights : NPR http://www.npr.org/2016/08/02/488428577/cesar-chavez-the-life-behind-a-legacy-of-farm-labor-rights?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=news

Check out DJ Mondo


Futurama Trump

Donald Trump Sounds Way Better as Futurama Blowhard Zapp Brannigan | WIRED http://www.wired.com/2016/08/donald-trump-zapp-brannigan-voice/

Olympics and the favelas

In Rio's Favelas, Hoped-For Benefits From Olympics Have Yet To Materialize : The Torch : NPR http://www.npr.org/sections/thetorch/2016/08/11/487769536/in-rios-favelas-hoped-for-benefits-from-olympics-have-yet-to-materialize

The Olympics never bring in the money they promise.


Torrey has died

Torrentz Has Died, But It Won’t Take Torrenting With It | WIRED https://www.wired.com/2016/08/torrentz-died-wont-take-torrenting/

That has to sting


Ha ha


Strange turn in election race


Got work 2 do America

So much for home of the free from racism, and land of the cowardly message .


Never get elected


A little rose colored glasses view of things, but no way she gets elected. Too bad too, we need a sane outsider in office I feel to start fixing things.

Pin and chip hacked

This ATM Hack Allows Crooks to Steal Money From Chip-and-Pin Cards http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheHackersNews/~3/IEhp14KzLmg/hacking-chip-pin-card.html

This never happens

User's password is compromised and reset, user completes password update then immediately changes password back to original compromised password. https://securityreactions.tumblr.com/post/148357564132


Oh man, how stupid

So, this is written by the former primary candidate, Ben Carson. IMO, it is a moronic and overly simple argument. For some reason he still feels compelled to defend this bigot.

For one, he mentions how when he was younger he would let his emotions run rampant and lash out when he felt threatened or attacked. What does it say about a thin skinned man-child who still does it? If trump were smarter he would shut his word hole and just let the news cycle die. He still thinks any press is good press.

Secondly, Mr. Khan was reacting to the statements of a loud mouthed orange haired hamster, that I felt, were reasonable given the acid-like statements of said rodent.

"substantive discussions"???? Dr. Carson, you are giving trump too much credit if you think he is capable of this. And asking the media to keep the candidates on point.... ,WTF? What is this kindergarten? Shouldn't the person running for one of the most powerful jobs on the planet be capable enough of keeping themselves on message?


.... and they continue to support him. I still don't get this.

Has to be steaming


Skull island snippet


Calling him phony

The real billionaires seem to know a phony when they see or hear one. #releasetaxes


This will happen

Just a matter of when. Trump will use a loss as a way to say things were hacked. His loss will cause more harm than good in the short term.

Hacking An Election: Why It's Not As Far-Fetched As You Might Think


A few years late

Pope Appoints Commission To Study Possibility Of Women As Deacons http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/02/488370774/pope-appoints-commission-to-study-possibility-of-women-as-deacons

Just want power

Will the Democrats Fail the Khan Family the Way They Failed Cindy Sheehan? http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/08/cindy_sheehan_on_how_the_democrats_are_using_khizr_and_ghazala_khan.html

Good line in here about how both parties just want power. Not a fair report on Clinton though. She listened to both sides and made her choice. The wrong choice IMO.

Will this change their minds

Donald Trump Declines To Endorse Ryan, McCain Ahead Of Their Primaries http://www.npr.org/2016/08/03/488477337/donald-trump-declines-to-endorse-ryan-mccain-ahead-of-their-primaries


Worthless VFW statement

I don't see how this is bad. They dot pull their support. This is as useless as John McCain's statement.


Private firms defraud customers

N.Y. Attorney General: Nation's Flood Insurance Program Defrauding Taxpayers


Holy crap, you mean private insurance firms were committing fraud against the government and costing taxpayers money. I am sure the market would have eventually found them in their own. We don't need more oversight. (That was sarcasm in case you missed it.)


Chicago Premier

If she was black.....

First, as the father of girls, the act done by the boys is abhorrent, and they should be punished severely under the law of the land. The refugee backlash is becoming equally abhorrent.

It's only because the girl was white is this a big issue. If the young girl was black, no one in this town would lift a finger. Not sure what to call it other than pure racism.


Hate is strong in this author

Horror and Hush-Up in Twin Falls, Idaho - Michelle Malkin http://m.townhall.com/columnists/michellemalkin/2016/06/22/horror-and-hushup-in-twin-falls-idaho-n2181979