
Robots take over garages

West Hollywood's Robotic Parking Garage | WIRED https://www.wired.com/2016/10/step-garage-robots-parking/

New sitting dilemmas

I’m House-Sitting for Friends—Can I Turn Their Nest Cam Off? https://www.wired.com/2016/10/kia-nest-cam/


How very Jetsons

Uber's Flying Cars Plan | WIRED https://www.wired.com/2016/10/uber-flying-cars-elevate-plan/

A wag of the finger

Megyn Kelly's Clash With Newt Gingrich On Fox Reveals Rifts Beyond Donald Trump


First 100 days

Here's What The Candidates Want To Achieve In Their 'Honeymoon' Period


Spain's gag law

Trolling Spanish Cops by Censoring All Their Photos | WIRED https://www.wired.com/2016/10/daniel-mayrit-authorized-images/

Questionable Russian ships

After NATO Objections, Russian Warships Won't Refuel At Spanish Port



An untold tail

Former Norton CEO and Symantec board member admits having sex with teenagers; Did Hillary Clinton help him get immunity? http://cybersecurityventures.com/former-norton-ceo-and-symantec-board-member-ronald-posner-hillary-clinton/


Good harbour analogy

Uber's Self-Driving Truck Startup Otto Makes Its First Delivery | WIRED https://www.wired.com/2016/10/ubers-self-driving-truck-makes-first-delivery-50000-beers/

Strange sex lives

Think Your Sex Life Is Bad? These Worms Harpoon Each Other With Their Penises | WIRED https://www.wired.com/2016/10/wasp-that-brainwashed-the-caterpillar/

Drive goes on

Dridex wielding duo sent down by NCA - SC Magazine UK http://www.scmagazineuk.com/dridex-wielding-duo-sent-down-by-nca/article/548173/

Update with a twist

A Slick Phish with a Hidden Surprise https://blog.knowbe4.com/a-slick-phish-with-an-hidden-surprise

Ghost in the machine

Bank informs RBI of security breach: Axis suffers cyber attack, hires EY to probe damage - The Economic Times on Mobile http://m.economictimes.com/industry/banking/finance/banking/bank-informs-rbi-of-security-breach-axis-suffers-cyber-attack-hires-ey-to-probe-damage/articleshow/54927032.cms

Blocking bad debit cards

Indian Bank Blocks 600,000 Debit Cards After ATM Malware Incident http://news.softpedia.com/news/indian-bank-blocks-600-000-debit-cards-after-atm-malware-incident-509458.shtml


Has a point

AT&T To Buy Time Warner For $85 Billion http://www.npr.org/2016/10/22/498987413/at-t-to-buy-time-warner-for-85-billion

Less news coming

AT&T Buys Time Warner For More Than $85 Billion http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/22/498981016/reports-at-t-will-buy-time-warner-for-more-than-80-billion


Hacker American Dream

Anonymous’ Most Notorious Hacker Is Back, and He’s Gone Legit




KAL's cartoon http://www.economist.com/news/world-week/21709076-kals-cartoon?fsrc=rss%7Ctwt


Invent more


App fight




Kind of awesome

source:... https://grugq.tumblr.com/post/151997612933

Not food at all

Would not surprise me if this was actually trump supporters doing this in a desperate move. Not acceptable regardless.

After Attack On N.C. GOP Office, Politicians Decry 'Attack On Our Democracy' : The Two-Way : NPR http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/16/498180111/after-attack-on-n-c-gop-office-politicians-decry-attack-on-our-democracy

Hope they do it

Was never a cubs fan, but will be nice to see they do it finally.

Cubs Fans Keep The Faith After A Lifetime Of Losing, And It's Paying Off : NPR http://www.npr.org/2016/10/19/498421013/cubs-fans-keep-the-faith-after-a-lifetime-of-losing-and-it-s-paying-off


Close to Orwell

Cops Have a Database of 117M Faces. You’re Probably in It | WIRED https://www.wired.com/2016/10/cops-database-117m-faces-youre-probably/

Title for tat I guess

On Twitter, Africans Mock U.S. Elections, Joking Of Sanctions : Parallels : NPR http://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2016/10/18/498418532/on-twitter-africans-mock-u-s-elections-joking-of-sanctions

Did not see this coming

WikiLeaks Confirms Ecuador Cut Julian Assange's Internet Access After Clinton Leak http://thehackernews.com/2016/10/wikileaks-clinton-leak.html

Well that's a constructive way to look at it

Sen. McCain Says Republicans Will Block All Court Nominations If Clinton Wins : NPR http://www.npr.org/2016/10/17/498328520/sen-mccain-says-republicans-will-block-all-court-nominations-if-clinton-wins

Christian radicals

‘It will be a bloodbath’: Inside the Kansas militia plot to ignite a religious war - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/10/15/it-will-be-a-bloodbath-inside-the-kansas-militia-plot-to-ignite-a-religious-war/


This seems pretty important

Nuke plant has been hacked, says Atomic Energy Agency director • The Register http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/10/11/nuke_plant_has_been_hacked_says_atomic_energy_agency_director/

Sky net is born

I guess James Cameron's dystopian future has only given ideas and not warned anyone.

Royal Navy tests robot subs, boats and drones for fleet of the future | ZDNet http://www.zdnet.com/article/royal-navy-tests-robot-subs-boats-and-drones-for-fleet-of-the-future/


Not whole story

This only breaks down if you exclusively use the western health model. Vitamins, eating healthy, exercise, etc. are the proactive health options. What the equivalent is in computer security I don't know.


No surprise here


Missed that train

I first remember reading articles like this 5 years ago. Seems like many colleges are adding these courses, and yet we still have huge shortages.



Guilt trip

The Myth of Abortion Regret http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2016/10/the_myth_of_abortion_regret.html


Untold stories

The burden of prison debt on the formerly incarcerated. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2016/10/the_burden_of_prison_debt_on_the_formerly_incarcerated.html

Pretty far-fetched Rudy

Donald Trump Thinks Politics Is Business, and Business Is Theft http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/09/donald_trump_vote_for_me_i_m_a_cheater_and_a_thief.html


This guy's vendetta

Personally I think this guy has a vendetta against clinto. My guess is she is one.person who pushed hard for his extradition to the US, and so he feels he needs to "pay her back" in kind. This does not seem as authentic and unbiased as Assange claims.

Julian Assange Sees 'Incredible Double Standard' In Clinton Email Case : NPR http://www.npr.org/2016/08/17/489386392/julian-assange-sees-incredible-double-standard-in-clinton-email-case