
Big Data Marketing


The end is coming.

We were warned


Secret Trump donor



Maybe, just maybe


A whopping lie

"The executive action, "Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States," targets seven nations: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Trump has no business interests in those countries.

Key Justice Dept. Office Won't Say If It Approved White House Executive Orders
One other thing they have in common, as NPR's Greg Myre writes: "No Muslim extremist from any of these places has carried out a fatal attack in the U.S. in more than two decades."

The 19 terrorists in the Sept. 11 attacks were from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates, Myre points out. They are among the Muslim-majority countries not affected by Trump's immigration freeze, but where Trump does business."


Interesting change of attitude

Trump White House Senior Staff Have Private RNC Email Accounts http://www.newsweek.com/trump-emails-rnc-reince-priebus-white-house-server-548191

Picture is creepy

A Psychological Thumbnail of Donald J Trump’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Its Implications



Dumb getting dumber

President Trump's @POTUS Twitter Linked To A Private Gmail Account http://thehackernews.com/2017/01/president-trump-twitter.html

Both sides are wrong

Author of Trump's Favorite Voter Fraud Study Says Everyone's Wrong | WIRED https://www.wired.com/2017/01/author-trumps-favorite-voter-fraud-study-says-everyones-wrong/

Well that's terrifying

Trump's Android Phone Is a Major Security Concern | WIRED https://www.wired.com/2017/01/trump-android-phone-security-threat/

AI overlords are coming

Quantum Computing’s Next Big Challenge? Cybersecurity



Amusing to me

Rogue National Park Accounts Emerge On Twitter Amid Social Media Gag Orders


Still want Dakota pipeline?

'It's A Big One': Iowa Pipeline Leaks Nearly 140,000 Gallons Of Diesel


Many will not get this

Very sad to say that most Americans will not understand this at all, and will still think Mexico is actually paying for that stupid wall.

Trump's Suggested Import Tax Would Mean Americans Pay For That Wall


Moley moley moley mole

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Kaspersky security researcher arrested in Russia - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-38755582

Not all hats are whitr

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Kaspersky security researcher arrested in Russia - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-38755582

Rise of automation

I help create the automated jobs that are taking jobs.



Turd nugget says what?

Assange weasels out of pledge to surrender if Manning received clemency



Is anyone really surprised?

Trump Is Yet To Sever Ties With His Business, Despite Promises To Do So, Report Says


Snake-oil salesman

This is very scary, because of how possible it really is.

Trump sold America a miracle cure. It will fail. He’ll get off for free.



By the numbers

Here's How America Changed Under Obama, And How It Looks As Trump Takes Office


Brazilian judge dies

Brazilian Corruption Investigator Killed In Plane Crash



Why is free college bad again?

More People Over 60 Are Struggling To Pay Off Student Loans, Report Finds http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/01/17/510238206/more-people-over-60-are-struggling-to-pay-off-student-loans-report-finds

This is stunning

President Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning's Prison Sentence


The new witch-hunt

Jason Chaffetz is ethically bankrupt. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2017/01/jason_chaffetz_is_ethically_bankrupt.html

Lobbyist in chief

Donald Trump’s high-profile apparent merger meetings are a major cause for alarm.



Interesting take on the FBI role

Why Aren't More Democrats Rallying Around John Lewis?



Unattributed attack

No real proof this time, not that any hard data was released the last time, but maybe the same thing. Poor Ukraine is turning into the largest boot2root for hackers to practice on it seems

The Ukrainian Power Grid Was Hacked Again


Always hated Geek Squad

Been talking about this at work a lot. Definitely a large overreach in my opinion. We will see how well the bill of rights does.

Are Geek Squad techs working for the FBI?


Not condoning the porn!


Older, but funny.

Trump Promises a Revelation on Hacking - NYTimes.com http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/12/31/us/politics/donald-trump-russia-hacking.html

Here is the funny part

He added: “And I know a lot about hacking. And hacking is a very hard thing to prove. So it could be somebody else. And I also know things that other people don’t know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation.”

Wikileaks is Trump's Sounding Board


So now Wikileaks is complaining about the dishonest media? Sounds a lot like they are just echoing Trump now, like he echoes Assange. Maybe they should not have posted that stupid tweet in the first place. Their Database idea seems to be a lot like the type of privacy invasion and overreach that they complain about so much. Let me guess, Wikileaks doing it is OK, because they are not a government.

Just saying.........


About time

How Paul Smith Might Defeat Unconstitutional Redistricting Once and for All http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2017/01/death_to_the_gerrymander_paul_smith_might_defeat_unconstitutional_redistricting.html


Ground control to .......

The Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts Only Gets More Beautiful From Here | WIRED https://www.wired.com/2017/01/mystery-fast-radio-bursts-gets-beautiful/


What is going on?

FBI Says the Democratic Party Wouldn’t Let Agents See the Hacked Email Servers https://www.wired.com/2017/01/fbi-says-democratic-party-wouldnt-let-agents-see-hacked-email-servers/

They probably use email



What the huh?

How does a guy who does not use email know more about this than the people who do this day in and day out? Did putin call him and promise it was not the FSB?

Trump Takes Jab at 'Intelligence' Officials for Allegedly Delaying 'Russian Hacking' Briefing



Putin's Long Game

Longer read, but goo. more on infowar.




By Returning To Farming's Roots, He Found His American Dream


Attack in Turkey

Civilian Attack In Istanbul Marks Shift In Turkey-ISIS Dynamic


Don't think this will happen

I don't think he will actually divest anything. He needs to appear as if he is in control at all times.

Donald Trump's Efforts To Address Conflicts Are 'Baby Steps,' Says Ethics Expert
