
Lincoln Rolling in his Grave

The part that he has once lead, not leads in voter suppresion. Lincoln must be rolling in his grave. If a party is working this hard to suppress your vote, they probably don't ahve any interest in actually governing towards your benefit. Just a thought. From one of the news sources that turnip calls fake. Only because that he does not like the negative things reported about him. Truly a snowflake if ever there was one. Pennsylvania: The state’s highest court has ruled that election officials should count mailed ballots that arrive up to three days after Election Day. Pennsylvania Republicans are trying to get the Supreme Court to reverse the order, so that only ballots received by Election Day will count. North Carolina: Republicans and the Trump campaign have asked the Supreme Court to block the state’s board of elections from extending the deadline to receive mail ballots. The board has said ballots can arrive until Nov. 12, as long as they were mailed by Election Day. Wisconsin: The five Republican-appointed justices on the Supreme Court sided on Monday with Republican officials in Wisconsin, ruling that ballots must arrive by 8 p.m. on Election Day to count. (A lower-court ruling would have allowed state officials to count any mailed ballots postmarked by Election Day and received up to six days later.) In response, the state’s Democratic Party is urging voters to return mail ballots in person — to a drop box or clerk’s office — rather than mailing them. Nevada: The Trump campaign has sued to stop the counting of absentee ballots in the Las Vegas area, evidently hoping to challenge the signatures on many ballots. Last night, the campaign and Nevada Republican Party filed a separate lawsuit, seeking detailed information on the vote-counting process. Texas: The state’s top court yesterday upheld a policy announced by Greg Abbott, the Republican governor, which limits each county to a single drop-off box for mailed ballots. The state’s largest county — Harris, which includes Houston — is home to 4.7 million people. Michigan: A conservative judge yesterday overturned an order by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, and ruled that people could carry unconcealed guns at polling places on Election Day. In many of these cases, Republicans have argued that changing voting rules because of the pandemic could lead to fraud (a claim that’s largely baseless) and that allowing ballots to be counted after Election Day leads to confusion and chaos. Democrats have argued that protecting people’s right to vote, during a national crisis, should be top priority. Democrats have also pointed out that some Republicans have changed their position on the counting of mailed ballots: When late-arriving ballots seemed likely to help George W. Bush in Florida in 2000, Republicans argued that the state should count them.


More Shenanigans

https://www.nytimes.com/live/2020/10/20/business/us-economy-coronavirus#pelosi-mnuchin-stimulus More BS, from the comgress critters we let run and ruin our country. Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is a republican only thing, or a Senate only thing. They are playing games with our lives. To me this confirms, that McConnell cares more about the courts, and building his conservative majority, than he does about the people is supposed to be representing. Recently MO represntatives have said that they would not support any bailout if it benefits "blue" states. I am OK with this, if no "blue" state money is used to bail them out. The amount of funds we give out in taxes, is by far greater than what we recieve back, and it is quite the opposite for MO.


teen spenders

We are so desperate for normal....


This is horrible though. Our society is so stuck on money that we track how much our kids spend. 


The "V" shaped recovery

is going to turn into a very extended "w" soon, IMO. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-30/airlines-near-50-000-job-cuts-as-american-united-feel-squeeze https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-30/disney-shell-cuts-mark-warning-sign-for-global-economic-rebound https://www.businessinsider.com/kpmg-layoffs-1400-employees-professional-services-struggle-job-cuts-2020-9 https://finance.yahoo.com/news/will-white-collar-layoffs-short-circuit-recovery-morning-brief-101027523.html