Some of the people out there might first reply: "No duh!", while a few of you might still be surprised by this. Some people will think that it is a bad thing, while others will see this as the next step in evolution of the human species. What might be a little different for some folks to hear, is that there are people in society today who do not remember a time before technology. They do not remember having to go somewhere to see a movie like a theater or movie rental store, holding a book while reading it, or a time before we did everything and anything with these small GPS devices like checking email, watching youtube, or just surfing the web killing a few idle minutes. I still remember my first online email account with Yahoo. I had just started college, and only checked it once a day. (if even that much.) Now I check it multiple times a day, or stated better: My phone automatically synchs with all of my email accounts every few hours, and then alerts me when I have a new email. The majority of the emails do not need to be read or replied to in any sort of timely manner.
Is this the new addiction that is going to run rampant in society? People curled up by the side of the road, their fingers twitching slightly, eyes glazed over, and quietly mumbling to themselves?
Is this the new measuring stick that the older members of society hold over the younger generations? "I remember having to go to the library to read a book", to which the younger person says: "What is a book?"
Regardless of your view, check out this article that is worth reading on your smartphone. Warning, you might put the phone down for awhile after this.