
Oh man, how stupid

So, this is written by the former primary candidate, Ben Carson. IMO, it is a moronic and overly simple argument. For some reason he still feels compelled to defend this bigot.

For one, he mentions how when he was younger he would let his emotions run rampant and lash out when he felt threatened or attacked. What does it say about a thin skinned man-child who still does it? If trump were smarter he would shut his word hole and just let the news cycle die. He still thinks any press is good press.

Secondly, Mr. Khan was reacting to the statements of a loud mouthed orange haired hamster, that I felt, were reasonable given the acid-like statements of said rodent.

"substantive discussions"???? Dr. Carson, you are giving trump too much credit if you think he is capable of this. And asking the media to keep the candidates on point.... ,WTF? What is this kindergarten? Shouldn't the person running for one of the most powerful jobs on the planet be capable enough of keeping themselves on message?


.... and they continue to support him. I still don't get this.