OSCE security monitors targeted by hackers
All of the various findings, articles, videos, pictures, and other stuff I dig up on the web. Anything on this site was posted by me. Any opinion expressed here is only my own
OSCE security monitors targeted by hackers
The Power Of Perceptions Vs. What The Numbers Say
So Why Doesn’t Tor Blog Really Show You How To Set Up A Hidden Site?
Setting a timer on your phone with the oncall pager ringtone in order to bail from Holiday Family Obligations, inching it forward as soon as Politics and Alcohol start to assert themselves.
Facebook Doesn’t Tell Users Everything It Really Knows About Them
So first, it is awful to hear that someone died at the beginning of this.
Really, a reddi-whip crisis? My local news just ran a story about the shortage of reddi-whip in the area. Really?
Is it really that hard to make it?
Senior Admin reacts to and resolves an incident rapidly and safely: Senior Admin realizes that the...
when the payload gets intercepted but the shell still works.
Video Of Woman's Arrest In Texas Sparks Anger And Internal Police Inquiry
DOJ's Big Bank Settlements Remove Potential Conflict Of Interest For Trump
Government Pays For Kidney Transplants But Not The Anti-Rejection Drugs
Yet another thing to keep our focus away from anything actually important.
Repeal Of North Carolina's HB2 Law Fails As Legislature Adjourns Special Session
For getting a sweetheart deal in Obamacare, the insurance companies sure do complain a lot about it.
Special Enrollment Period For Health Coverage Comes At A Price
Curiosity Rover Encounters Technical Difficulties On Martian Mountain
State Department Says Fake U.S. Embassy In Ghana Operated For A Decade
Supreme Court Sides With Samsung, Against Apple In Patent Infringement Fight
Obama Has a Plan to Fix Cybersecurity, But Its Success Depends on Trump
Steve Mnuchin, Contender For Trump Treasury Secretary, Headed 'Foreclosure Machine'
So the best way to clean up wall street inside the government is to hire a wall street financiers with almost 20 years in the business? Huh?
Also, very troubling is this...
According to the coalition, OneWest foreclosed on more than 36,000 homeowners under Mnuchin. During that time, the FDIC made payments to OneWest totaling more $1 billion. Those payments went to the "billionaire investors of OneWest Bank," says Stein, "to cover the cost of foreclosing on working-class, everyday, American folks," many of whom lived in California.
Makes me think more and more, that Trump wants so badly to be a part of the monied elite, that he is just handing out favors at this point.
Seema Verma, Who Helped Remake Medicaid In Indiana, Picked For CMS
To be fair, the man has not even been sworn in to office yet. All this energy spent on thinking how bad he will be is doing nothing. (Granted I think he will be terrible.) Let's see where all the pundits stand when he starts enforcing laws and does his own executive orders.
Potential Conflicts Around the Globe for Trump, the Businessman President
This was the article you missed if you were focused on Trump's claims of voter fraud via Twitter.
Farmers Are Courting Trump, But They Don't Speak For All Of Rural America
Also, in this group of farmers how many are not giant corporations?
No Internet Connection? No Problem. Netflix Adds Offline Viewing
Government given rights to go remotely hack people. People told to trust government. Privacy loses big.
Judges Have More Power In Granting Warrants To Hack Digital Devices
Poles Return To A Taste Of Their Soviet Past: Cheap Milk Bars