
Trump got played

North Korea Slams U.S. Talks As 'Regrettable' After Pompeo Called Them 'Productive'


So, the conspiracy theory mind in me went a little Haywire with this one. What if, Russia totally manipulated this for their benefit a long time ago. They've been giving Aid to North Korea for some time, you obviously can't really pay them for these things, and then North Korea backs out of any talk with Trump, and Putin can come in and appear to be the savior.

Trump will pardon him

Giuliani Says Michael Cohen 'Should Cooperate' With Prosecutors.

Prediction: As soon as he is charged, Trump will pardon Cohen.


And the court goes right

President Trump Announces Supreme Court Pick Monday Night. Only in how bad it will be. Or how influential the conservative lobbyists have been, regardless of how "on the ball" the white house claims to be on this.


The Internet we have today

The Court Case that Enabled Today's Toxic Internet. Granted, forcing a platform or service to monitor all content is a very slippery slope with mistakes probably out numbering wins. The better option would be to have a shared common decency which the putin trolls seem intent on destroying. Maybe we, as a species, are not smart enough to use social media........


Trump kills more of ACA

Trump Administration Freezes Payments Required By The Affordable Care Act


Second Nerve Agent Attack

English Woman Exposed To Nerve Agent Dies. Putin is really unchecked at this point. This is going to blow up in all of our faces in the coming years, of Russia keeps escalating things.


Brexit is leaderless

Britain's Brexit Secretary Abruptly Quits, Throwing Deal To Leave EU In Doubt. Nigel farage has to be loving this.



Something smells funny


I'm sure they didn't sell their soul while they were there. Maybe just their vote in a few upcoming bills. Magnitsky act repeal for a few extra dollars and attacking our election again in their favore.


A different way to communicate

Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Hints He May Cooperate With Federal Prosecutors


More likely this is his way of telling Donald , that you had better pardon me or I will spill all of the dirt on you. This guy is just trying to avoid jail any way he can.