
Some city hacks


SELMA, Ala. - Selma Mayor Darrio Melton confirms he was briefed by IT director Tuesday morning that Selma’s New World System, which houses all the city’s financial records, employee information, and documents for other departments, was hacked over the weekend.


All servers are back up after Selma’s New World System, which houses all the city’s financial records, employee information, and documents for other departments, was hacked over the weekend.


When the city of New Bedford, Mass., was hit by a ransomware attack in July, with hackers demanding $5.3 million in bitcoin to release the city's data, town officials tried an old law enforcement tactic to deal with hostage-takers: open dialogue and stall for time.


Lebanon County’s computer systems were taken offline this afternoon after it became known that the network had been affected by a computer virus.