
Extreme Gaslighting


Never had I read an article where the author is either to lazy to really did into his opposition, or is just flat out does not care. This whole article is one giant attempt at gas lighting the readers. Let's break this down:

  It really gets going when he writes this:
"Promoting and promulgating — not merely accepting — the massive protests that have occurred in some cities, even when they have led to lawlessness, looting, riots and declarations of autonomy."
- yes, because the outcome in one city is what the whole progressive movement is about. Totally wrong on the progressives to demand equal treatment under the law, the end to systemic racism, and an out of control police force.

"Searching out and destroying unbelievers in pursuit of a politically correct version of history, and doing so with a zeal that would have made Cotton Mather blush."
Kind of sounds like Trump and his loyalty oath.

"Removing statues of historical figures that are deemed unacceptable based on today’s parameters of social justice."
- Yes, because I am sure Black America really responds to statues of former confederate generals, and do not care to see any of their own history represented in this artistic form.

He calls the progressives a "fanatical group". Which again, just sounds like the small number of trump hold outs left. Look at how fanatical they are, please? 

"This is about power. All major elections are."
You are upset that maybe some Democrats have learned the republican lesson from 2010? They are determined to not let that happen again? For a republican to come out and say this is, almost the largest of hypocrisies.

 Judd Gregg has his head firmly planted in a dark place, and just refused to remove it.