
Potential Research Project


Think I have found a research project....


scathing, but true

"""America’s rapid descent into an impoverished nation has had a catastrophic consequence which is completely unseen. Americans don’t trust one another. They live in a society without social bonds. Sometimes, this rears its head in obvious ways...."



No, Not really

 “They understand freedom as being left alone to make their own choices, and they resent being told what to do,” William Galston has written in The Wall Street Journal.

no, not really.

They are just selfish people who think that their rights, health, and privileges are more important that anyone else around them. They are told countless times what to do, and think by Trump and his acolytes. 


and then there is this....

"In an article this month for Breitbart, the right-wing website formerly run by Steve Bannon, John Nolte argued that the partisan gap in vaccination rates was part of a liberal plot. Liberals like Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Anthony Fauci and Howard Stern have tried so hard to persuade people to get vaccinated, because they know that Republican voters will do the opposite of whatever they say, Nolte wrote."

 I mean this is just idiotic. Basically the author is saying, it is your fault that I'm stupid. FFS.




all will cave

Too bad all the mayors will cave to the political pressures. They will find a way to exempt police officers once again.



Advice for the Future

Some interesting thoughts on leadership, empathy, and the fulfillment of helping others.


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