OSCE security monitors targeted by hackers
All of the various findings, articles, videos, pictures, and other stuff I dig up on the web. Anything on this site was posted by me. Any opinion expressed here is only my own
OSCE security monitors targeted by hackers
The Power Of Perceptions Vs. What The Numbers Say
So Why Doesn’t Tor Blog Really Show You How To Set Up A Hidden Site?
Setting a timer on your phone with the oncall pager ringtone in order to bail from Holiday Family Obligations, inching it forward as soon as Politics and Alcohol start to assert themselves.
Facebook Doesn’t Tell Users Everything It Really Knows About Them
So first, it is awful to hear that someone died at the beginning of this.
Really, a reddi-whip crisis? My local news just ran a story about the shortage of reddi-whip in the area. Really?
Is it really that hard to make it?
Senior Admin reacts to and resolves an incident rapidly and safely: Senior Admin realizes that the...
when the payload gets intercepted but the shell still works.
Video Of Woman's Arrest In Texas Sparks Anger And Internal Police Inquiry
DOJ's Big Bank Settlements Remove Potential Conflict Of Interest For Trump
Government Pays For Kidney Transplants But Not The Anti-Rejection Drugs
Yet another thing to keep our focus away from anything actually important.
Repeal Of North Carolina's HB2 Law Fails As Legislature Adjourns Special Session
For getting a sweetheart deal in Obamacare, the insurance companies sure do complain a lot about it.
Special Enrollment Period For Health Coverage Comes At A Price
Curiosity Rover Encounters Technical Difficulties On Martian Mountain
State Department Says Fake U.S. Embassy In Ghana Operated For A Decade
Supreme Court Sides With Samsung, Against Apple In Patent Infringement Fight
Obama Has a Plan to Fix Cybersecurity, But Its Success Depends on Trump
Steve Mnuchin, Contender For Trump Treasury Secretary, Headed 'Foreclosure Machine'
So the best way to clean up wall street inside the government is to hire a wall street financiers with almost 20 years in the business? Huh?
Also, very troubling is this...
According to the coalition, OneWest foreclosed on more than 36,000 homeowners under Mnuchin. During that time, the FDIC made payments to OneWest totaling more $1 billion. Those payments went to the "billionaire investors of OneWest Bank," says Stein, "to cover the cost of foreclosing on working-class, everyday, American folks," many of whom lived in California.
Makes me think more and more, that Trump wants so badly to be a part of the monied elite, that he is just handing out favors at this point.
Seema Verma, Who Helped Remake Medicaid In Indiana, Picked For CMS
To be fair, the man has not even been sworn in to office yet. All this energy spent on thinking how bad he will be is doing nothing. (Granted I think he will be terrible.) Let's see where all the pundits stand when he starts enforcing laws and does his own executive orders.
Potential Conflicts Around the Globe for Trump, the Businessman President
This was the article you missed if you were focused on Trump's claims of voter fraud via Twitter.
Farmers Are Courting Trump, But They Don't Speak For All Of Rural America
Also, in this group of farmers how many are not giant corporations?
No Internet Connection? No Problem. Netflix Adds Offline Viewing
Government given rights to go remotely hack people. People told to trust government. Privacy loses big.
Judges Have More Power In Granting Warrants To Hack Digital Devices
Poles Return To A Taste Of Their Soviet Past: Cheap Milk Bars
Shows that while doing some good, in exposing this case, deep down it shows this was a publicity hack as well.
Hacker who exposed Steubenville Rape Faces longer Prison term than Rapists
Looks like he was given control of his cell phone again. What if these recounts result in Trump actually loosing?
Trump Makes Unfounded Claim That 'Millions' Voted Illegally For Clinton
Trump Chooses Betsy DeVos For Education Secretary
NPR Finds The Head Of A Covert Fake News Operation In The Suburbs
Trump Takes Credit For Saving A U.S. Ford Plant That Wasn't Planning To Move To Mexico : The Two-Way : NPR http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/11/18/502528759/trump-claims-credit-for-keeping-ford-lincoln-production-in-kentucky
Of course those that happened in the middle of the country are not important enough to report on.
Anti-Trump Protests Break Out In Cities Across The Country : The Two-Way : NPR http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/11/09/501513889/anti-trump-protests-break-out-in-cities-across-the-country
Megyn Kelly's Clash With Newt Gingrich On Fox Reveals Rifts Beyond Donald Trump
Here's What The Candidates Want To Achieve In Their 'Honeymoon' Period
After NATO Objections, Russian Warships Won't Refuel At Spanish Port
AT&T To Buy Time Warner For $85 Billion http://www.npr.org/2016/10/22/498987413/at-t-to-buy-time-warner-for-85-billion
AT&T Buys Time Warner For More Than $85 Billion http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/22/498981016/reports-at-t-will-buy-time-warner-for-more-than-80-billion
Anonymous’ Most Notorious Hacker Is Back, and He’s Gone Legit
Would not surprise me if this was actually trump supporters doing this in a desperate move. Not acceptable regardless.
After Attack On N.C. GOP Office, Politicians Decry 'Attack On Our Democracy' : The Two-Way : NPR http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/16/498180111/after-attack-on-n-c-gop-office-politicians-decry-attack-on-our-democracy
Was never a cubs fan, but will be nice to see they do it finally.
Cubs Fans Keep The Faith After A Lifetime Of Losing, And It's Paying Off : NPR http://www.npr.org/2016/10/19/498421013/cubs-fans-keep-the-faith-after-a-lifetime-of-losing-and-it-s-paying-off
On Twitter, Africans Mock U.S. Elections, Joking Of Sanctions : Parallels : NPR http://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2016/10/18/498418532/on-twitter-africans-mock-u-s-elections-joking-of-sanctions
WikiLeaks Confirms Ecuador Cut Julian Assange's Internet Access After Clinton Leak http://thehackernews.com/2016/10/wikileaks-clinton-leak.html
Sen. McCain Says Republicans Will Block All Court Nominations If Clinton Wins : NPR http://www.npr.org/2016/10/17/498328520/sen-mccain-says-republicans-will-block-all-court-nominations-if-clinton-wins
‘It will be a bloodbath’: Inside the Kansas militia plot to ignite a religious war - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/10/15/it-will-be-a-bloodbath-inside-the-kansas-militia-plot-to-ignite-a-religious-war/
I guess James Cameron's dystopian future has only given ideas and not warned anyone.
Royal Navy tests robot subs, boats and drones for fleet of the future | ZDNet http://www.zdnet.com/article/royal-navy-tests-robot-subs-boats-and-drones-for-fleet-of-the-future/
This only breaks down if you exclusively use the western health model. Vitamins, eating healthy, exercise, etc. are the proactive health options. What the equivalent is in computer security I don't know.
I first remember reading articles like this 5 years ago. Seems like many colleges are adding these courses, and yet we still have huge shortages.
Personally I think this guy has a vendetta against clinto. My guess is she is one.person who pushed hard for his extradition to the US, and so he feels he needs to "pay her back" in kind. This does not seem as authentic and unbiased as Assange claims.
Julian Assange Sees 'Incredible Double Standard' In Clinton Email Case : NPR http://www.npr.org/2016/08/17/489386392/julian-assange-sees-incredible-double-standard-in-clinton-email-case
We came up with the Internet, and I think Secretary Clinton and myself would agree very much, when you look at what ISIS is doing with the Internet, they’re beating us at our own game. ISIS.
So we have to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is—it is a huge problem. I have a son. He’s 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it’s unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it’s hardly doable.
But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing. But that’s true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester, and certainly cyber is one of them.
The onetime giant gets a mega-breach of it's own. 500 million is going to be a hard number to beat for sometime.
Yahoo 'state' hackers stole data from 500 million users - BBC News http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37447016
Beware — Someone is dropping Malware-infected USB Sticks into People's Letterbox http://thehackernews.com/2016/09/usb-malware.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+TheHackersNews+(The+Hackers+News+-+Security+Blog)&m=1
ISIS operational security has adapted to Western reliance on SIGINT https://grugq.tumblr.com/post/150312259623
Trump’s outreach to black voters is a dog whistle for racists.
As Residents Slept, Quake Leveled Buildings In Several Italian Towns http://www.npr.org/2016/08/24/491156527/as-residents-slept-quake-levels-buildings-in-several-italian-town
How the Democrats are failing Obamacare. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/cover_story/2016/08/how_the_democrats_are_failing_obamacare.html
At some point, they better start seeing the flaws in this.
U.S.-South Korea War Games Begin Despite Threats From North Korea : The Two-Way : NPR http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/22/490921432/u-s-south-korea-war-games-begin-despite-threats-from-north-korea
One day though, this lunatic might make good on his threats though.
"The test will apply to all immigrants, yet its obvious target is Muslims, who, as we know, get a bit bomby in the presence of gays, a bit rapey in the presence of women who wear skirts shorter than their ankles and generally a bit hostile and violent around anyone who doesn’t have their bum in the air five times a day."
The author actually thinks this is ok. Seems contradictory to the ideals we express, in "give me your tired, your weak, and your poor."
Just saying......
The Volunteer Who Rescued Syria's 'Miracle Baby' Is Killed In Aleppo : The Two-Way
NPR http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/13/489906652/the-volunteer-who-rescued-syrias-miracle-baby-is-killed-in-aleppo
I am sure he has faults and was not perfect, but he should still be held as an example of how we should help others.
In Rio's Favelas, Hoped-For Benefits From Olympics Have Yet To Materialize : The Torch : NPR http://www.npr.org/sections/thetorch/2016/08/11/487769536/in-rios-favelas-hoped-for-benefits-from-olympics-have-yet-to-materialize
The Olympics never bring in the money they promise.
So much for home of the free from racism, and land of the cowardly message .
A little rose colored glasses view of things, but no way she gets elected. Too bad too, we need a sane outsider in office I feel to start fixing things.
So, this is written by the former primary candidate, Ben Carson. IMO, it is a moronic and overly simple argument. For some reason he still feels compelled to defend this bigot.
For one, he mentions how when he was younger he would let his emotions run rampant and lash out when he felt threatened or attacked. What does it say about a thin skinned man-child who still does it? If trump were smarter he would shut his word hole and just let the news cycle die. He still thinks any press is good press.
Secondly, Mr. Khan was reacting to the statements of a loud mouthed orange haired hamster, that I felt, were reasonable given the acid-like statements of said rodent.
"substantive discussions"???? Dr. Carson, you are giving trump too much credit if you think he is capable of this. And asking the media to keep the candidates on point.... ,WTF? What is this kindergarten? Shouldn't the person running for one of the most powerful jobs on the planet be capable enough of keeping themselves on message?
.... and they continue to support him. I still don't get this.
The real billionaires seem to know a phony when they see or hear one. #releasetaxes
Just a matter of when. Trump will use a loss as a way to say things were hacked. His loss will cause more harm than good in the short term.
Hacking An Election: Why It's Not As Far-Fetched As You Might Think
Pope Appoints Commission To Study Possibility Of Women As Deacons http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/02/488370774/pope-appoints-commission-to-study-possibility-of-women-as-deacons
Will the Democrats Fail the Khan Family the Way They Failed Cindy Sheehan? http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/08/cindy_sheehan_on_how_the_democrats_are_using_khizr_and_ghazala_khan.html
Good line in here about how both parties just want power. Not a fair report on Clinton though. She listened to both sides and made her choice. The wrong choice IMO.
Donald Trump Declines To Endorse Ryan, McCain Ahead Of Their Primaries http://www.npr.org/2016/08/03/488477337/donald-trump-declines-to-endorse-ryan-mccain-ahead-of-their-primaries
I don't see how this is bad. They dot pull their support. This is as useless as John McCain's statement.
N.Y. Attorney General: Nation's Flood Insurance Program Defrauding Taxpayers
Holy crap, you mean private insurance firms were committing fraud against the government and costing taxpayers money. I am sure the market would have eventually found them in their own. We don't need more oversight. (That was sarcasm in case you missed it.)
First, as the father of girls, the act done by the boys is abhorrent, and they should be punished severely under the law of the land. The refugee backlash is becoming equally abhorrent.
It's only because the girl was white is this a big issue. If the young girl was black, no one in this town would lift a finger. Not sure what to call it other than pure racism.
Why George Will Might Be Right About Vladimir Putin's Hold Over Donald Trump (VIDEO)
WikiLeaks Has Officially Lost the Moral High Ground
Assange certainly has an anti-Clinton agenda, due in part to the US government pursuing him for the state department cables. (IMO)
The sad fact is that maybe he feels he will get better treatment from a Trump presidency, which is false.
The publishing of the Turkish citizens information was disgraceful. At least wired admitted it.
Time for a new Wikileaks. Assange can no longer be trusted to be impartial.
Kimpton Hotels Probes Card Breach Claims
Yahoo sold to US telecoms giant Verizon
'This Has Happened Far Too Often,' Obama Says, After 3 Officers Killed
Despite Ties To VP Pick Mike Pence, Koch Network Still Refuses To Support Trump
Trump Picks Mike Pence As His Running Mate
It is interesting to me that Trump announced his running mate ahead of the press conference where he was going to announce his running mate. Is this Trump "going rogue", or is this him succumbing to the "liberal media" who had it almost figured out.
Dallas protest: Three police officers dead in sniper shooting
Philando Castile death: Aftermath of police shooting streamed live
Russia is harassing U.S. diplomats all over Europe - The Washington Post
Put in that is.
Surveillance Evasion https://protectioncircle.org/2016/06/14/surveillance-evasion/
The concept. Not the article or author.
Clever Attack Uses the Sound of a Computer’s Fan to Steal Data
By sitting down that is.
Power to the People http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/06/facebook_live_and_periscope_really_won_that_sit_in.html
Jaguar Used In Olympic Torch Ceremony Escapes, Is Shot Dead
Trump Just Gave The Speech Republicans Have Been Waiting 20 Years To Hear http://www.npr.org/2016/06/22/483090531/trump-just-gave-the-speech-republicans-have-been-waiting-20-years-to-hear
Evidence Found In Illegal Stops Backed By Justices, But Brings Fiery Dissent
Trump says US should consider profiling against crime - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-36572875
Seriously now, is he trying to throw this?
Congress Refuses, So California Funds Its Own Gun Violence Research Center | WIRED http://www.wired.com/2016/06/congress-refuses-california-funds-gun-violence-research-center/
Granted, it is only a first step, but it could be in the direction that there might be a problem.
The Mysterious X Boson Could Upend the Standard Model. If It Actually Exists http://www.wired.com/2016/06/mysterious-x-boson-upend-standard-model-actually-exists/
What if there are many more bosons?
My Big Sister Was Gunned Down In Charleston One Year Ago
Investigators Say Orlando Shooter Showed Few Warning Signs Of Radicalization http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/06/18/482621690/investigators-say-orlando-shooter-showed-few-warning-signs-of-radicalization
I mean don't get me wrong, the orange one totally set himself up for this. Hopefully it gets airplay in non-liberal markets.
Senate to vote on gun bills which are unlikely to pass - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-36563337
Only the bullshit bill will pass.
France police killing: Hollande honours couple stabbed by jihadist - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36563149
For some reason this one bothered me more than other terrorist attacks.
I remember a talk like this given at black hat, quite a few years ago. This is just now getting to the wider public?
Makes me wonder how many other agencies do not have this role filled.
Hopefully they do a better job at it, than the government has done.
Today’s Filibuster Mentioned Instagram’s Guns for Sale. Then #Gunsforsale Disappeared http://www.wired.com/2016/06/filibuster-instagram-gun-dealers/
Americans love their guns.
Trump Bans Washington Post in Latest Assault on the Press
Oh Non! McDonald's Stick-Up In France Foiled By Special Forces Eating There http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/06/08/481239579/oh-non-mcdonalds-stick-up-in-france-foiled-by-special-forces-eating-there
I think this will turn out bad for the NY fed, but I am sure they will just get someone to change things so it works out in their favor.
More and more of these smaller shops are going to be targets.
I still think this is a joke to the trump man.
And then move to other areas. My fear is that most small businesses will not follow this advice.
Warning: paywall
It seems too easy to blame these on north Korea. I get it that they have motive and desire, but considering their poor operational security it would not be too far fetched to think someone is framing things to look like them.
Ex-FIFA Head Blatter, 2 Others Allegedly Paid Themselves $80 Million http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/06/03/480625592/ex-fifa-head-blatter-2-others-allegedly-gave-themselves-80-million
Saw this earlier.
U.S. Women's Soccer Team Cannot Go On Strike, Court Rules http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/06/03/480647427/u-s-women-s-soccer-team-cannot-go-on-strike-court-rules
Chicago Releases Videos Of Police In Alleged Excessive Force Cases
Muhammad Ali Is Reportedly In Serious Condition At Arizona Hospital http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/06/03/480691044/muhammad-ali-is-reportedly-in-serious-condition-at-arizona-hospital
LeBron James Is the Best Passer in the NBA
Donald Trump’s Energy Plan: More Fossil Fuels and Fewer Rules
Why Donald Trump Is Flailing
So, I think we are going to see more of these tantrums from trump, especially as the pressures of the race increase. I think these will grow to epic proportions that even the most devout republican will finally give up. The email thing, or any number of former things, will turn a good portion of people against her. If so, do Ted Cruz and/or Berne Sanders try to convince Americans to write in their names? If so, does anyone get a majority? If so, does Paul Ryan become the next president?
Hillary Clinton Just Kicked Trump in the Shins
Whatever... The real thing will be if she can twist him around in any debates that might happen. That is really her only hope. If the email thing blows up, which I think the Republican party is timing things for the general election, she is doomed.
Khomeini's secret dialogue with 'The Great Satan'
A much better political player than we realize.
Harambe gorilla killing: Zoo defends shooting
Guy makes some interesting points, and some good counter points for the zoo. He is also very composed and presents the case well I think.
Drones build rope bridge that humans can cross.
Pretty cool. Eventually you could use an IR beam to mark the points at which you need to anchor the bridge. The drone could fly above, below, and alongside the mark to get geospatial location. (Just a thought)
If the email thing for Clinton goes south. It is possible. ....... . . . . ... .. .. . .
It couldn't happen here.
This will reshape things but I don't think anywhere near as fast as this articles thinks.
French Labor Protests: Tear Gas Used In Paris; Truckers Block Highways
Amid India's Drought Crisis, Suicides Increase Among Farmers Deep In Debt
Rest Easy: New Study Doesn't Change What We Know About Safe Swaddling
JavaScript Conquered the Web. Now It’s Taking Over the Desktop
US senator enters Facebook 'bias' row
Cause this is a pressing issue the Senate needs to address. The honeless, jobless, sick and disabled have no issues that might interfere or need more attention. Just saying.
US Election 2016: Donald Trump softens stance on Muslim ban
I love the mayor calling him igborant. Any one see any agry tweets back from trump after that?
How The Zika Virus Damages The Brain
Justice Department Says North Carolina Bathroom Law Violates Civil Rights
Here's Where The Delegate Math Stands Before Tuesday's Indiana Primary
U.S. Service Member Is Killed In Fight Against ISIS In Iraq
After Second 'Sickout,' Detroit Teachers To Return To Work Wednesday : The Two-Way
NPR http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/05/03/476589643/detroit-teachers-hold-second-sickout-to-push-for-pay
#MemeOfTheWeek: The Woman('s) Card http://www.npr.org/2016/04/29/476175806/-memeoftheweek-the-woman-s-card
John Kasich Could’ve Been the GOP’s Salvation
A Day With Ken Ham
The crumbling of society has more to do with nut jobs like this than anything else. Good thing he gives such steep discounts I guess.
Gannett Makes A Bid For Tribune Publishing
The Cruz-Kasich Deal: Will Their Alliance Against Trump Work?
Facebook Isn’t the Social Network Anymore
Syria conflict: Air strikes on Idlib markets 'kill dozens'
Malaysia school shuts after 'mass hysteria' outbreak
US election 2016: Trump and Clinton win New York primaries
Obama Urges Opening Cable TV Boxes To Competition
Your Conversation On The Bus Or Train May Be Recorded
Dozens dead in worst Nagorno-Karabakh violence for decades
Wait a minute fox news.... I thought man was not effecting the environment?
I don't think there is really a whole lot to this case, but I am also not surprised by it either. You talk with so much hate, and it will follow you around as well.
An obvious attempt by the campaign to soften his image for the general election. I love the bit about genetic superiority. Hey donald, it really helps when you don't have to struggle for food, you get a high quality education, and daddy bankrolls you a bunch of times during your business career.
So my tax preparation software is going to spy on me know as well......
And by that title, I mean the post author who adds his personal commentary at the bottom.
'... Establishing stronger business processes related to security "may not be sexy and not technical," but it's crucial in fighting attacks on networks, Richey said. "These breaches are happening because of failures in business processes and basic access controls."...'
Bangladesh bank hackers fail in bid to net $1bn, but still get $50 million.
At some point, America needs to wake up and realize there has to be some point where free enterprise stops. This is quite absurd that the company is getting away with this, when the name and the park clearly is in the public domain.
The most interesting comment I thought was, 'when will Facebook listen to their customers, oh wait, we are their product'.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I think this guy really underestimated his opponent.
Not a fan of home schooling, but if I move to Texas, I will change my mind.
Seems as if he is back pedaling a bit on his previous speech. I think if the tables were turned the Dems would do the same thing.