
Lincoln Rolling in his Grave

The part that he has once lead, not leads in voter suppresion. Lincoln must be rolling in his grave. If a party is working this hard to suppress your vote, they probably don't ahve any interest in actually governing towards your benefit. Just a thought. From one of the news sources that turnip calls fake. Only because that he does not like the negative things reported about him. Truly a snowflake if ever there was one. Pennsylvania: The state’s highest court has ruled that election officials should count mailed ballots that arrive up to three days after Election Day. Pennsylvania Republicans are trying to get the Supreme Court to reverse the order, so that only ballots received by Election Day will count. North Carolina: Republicans and the Trump campaign have asked the Supreme Court to block the state’s board of elections from extending the deadline to receive mail ballots. The board has said ballots can arrive until Nov. 12, as long as they were mailed by Election Day. Wisconsin: The five Republican-appointed justices on the Supreme Court sided on Monday with Republican officials in Wisconsin, ruling that ballots must arrive by 8 p.m. on Election Day to count. (A lower-court ruling would have allowed state officials to count any mailed ballots postmarked by Election Day and received up to six days later.) In response, the state’s Democratic Party is urging voters to return mail ballots in person — to a drop box or clerk’s office — rather than mailing them. Nevada: The Trump campaign has sued to stop the counting of absentee ballots in the Las Vegas area, evidently hoping to challenge the signatures on many ballots. Last night, the campaign and Nevada Republican Party filed a separate lawsuit, seeking detailed information on the vote-counting process. Texas: The state’s top court yesterday upheld a policy announced by Greg Abbott, the Republican governor, which limits each county to a single drop-off box for mailed ballots. The state’s largest county — Harris, which includes Houston — is home to 4.7 million people. Michigan: A conservative judge yesterday overturned an order by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, and ruled that people could carry unconcealed guns at polling places on Election Day. In many of these cases, Republicans have argued that changing voting rules because of the pandemic could lead to fraud (a claim that’s largely baseless) and that allowing ballots to be counted after Election Day leads to confusion and chaos. Democrats have argued that protecting people’s right to vote, during a national crisis, should be top priority. Democrats have also pointed out that some Republicans have changed their position on the counting of mailed ballots: When late-arriving ballots seemed likely to help George W. Bush in Florida in 2000, Republicans argued that the state should count them.


More Shenanigans

https://www.nytimes.com/live/2020/10/20/business/us-economy-coronavirus#pelosi-mnuchin-stimulus More BS, from the comgress critters we let run and ruin our country. Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is a republican only thing, or a Senate only thing. They are playing games with our lives. To me this confirms, that McConnell cares more about the courts, and building his conservative majority, than he does about the people is supposed to be representing. Recently MO represntatives have said that they would not support any bailout if it benefits "blue" states. I am OK with this, if no "blue" state money is used to bail them out. The amount of funds we give out in taxes, is by far greater than what we recieve back, and it is quite the opposite for MO.


teen spenders

We are so desperate for normal....


This is horrible though. Our society is so stuck on money that we track how much our kids spend. 


The "V" shaped recovery

is going to turn into a very extended "w" soon, IMO. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-30/airlines-near-50-000-job-cuts-as-american-united-feel-squeeze https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-30/disney-shell-cuts-mark-warning-sign-for-global-economic-rebound https://www.businessinsider.com/kpmg-layoffs-1400-employees-professional-services-struggle-job-cuts-2020-9 https://finance.yahoo.com/news/will-white-collar-layoffs-short-circuit-recovery-morning-brief-101027523.html


Trump is a Security Risk

Many have been saying this for years. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/trump-taxes-national-security-compromise/2020/09/28/3116b096-01b5-11eb-897d-3a6201d6643f_story.html


never accountable



A few Articles

Mixed Messages https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/05/us/politics/court-approves-warrantless-surveillance-rules-while-scolding-fbi.html Belarus continues the fight https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/06/belarus-protests-100000-turn-out-in-minsk-alexander-lukashenko Thank you Captain ..... https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/05/cyber-security-workers-in-demand.html A Big Navy https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelpeck/2020/09/01/china-has-the-worlds-largest-navy-and-its-getting-better-pentagon-warns/#3dc8169f7933 New American Jobs https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-01/amazon-drivers-are-hanging-smartphones-in-trees-to-get-more-work


Wind & Solar adoption Spreads.

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-01/the-world-added-more-solar-wind-than-anything-else-last-year Hopefully this trend continues, and maybe even excellerates.


Banon Busted


Is great. One of the 2016 conmen shows true colors. Were is the wall?


save the mail


As the mail-in voting crisis has erupted, some of the usual suspects on the right have taken to denouncing the Postal Service as a bad, money-losing business. But the founders didn’t put the postal clause in the Constitution because they saw it as a business opportunity; the Postal Service was supposed to serve broader national goals — and it still does.


Suburban White Dreams


Learning about policies like the post WW2 federal housing are really tough to learn about. You peel another layer of the onion, only to find yet another policy or law designed to repress other Americans. Shameful.


voter registration


Giant Repercussions

This will be big.



This is a Big Change


Witness requirement removed

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/13/us/supreme-court-rhode-island-voting.html C'mon even republicans would not do this: "The court rejected a request from Republicans to block an order suspending a requirement that witnesses or a notary observe the completion of absentee ballots." "The Supreme Court’s unsigned order included an explanation, which is unusual when its acts on emergency applications. The case differed from similar ones in which state officials had opposed changes to state laws ordered by federal judges, the order said. “Here the state election officials support the challenged decree,” the order said, “and no state official has expressed opposition.”"


Government Buys Marketing Data

I know their marketing statements talk about  not gathering PII data, but what most don't realize, is that you don't need specific PII data to track someone. You can still identify a person by multiple means when the data set is large enough.



start your engines



Quote on Luck

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." - Elmer Letterman


I Like the Titanic Reference


A normal president and a normal political party would be horrified by this turn of events. They would realize that they made a bad call and that it was time for a major course correction; they would start taking warnings from health experts seriously.


telegram boots neo-nazis


A new medium will be found. 


Hell No


“Microchipping has been brought up in many conversations as companies across the country are exploring cost-effective ways to increase workplace efficiency. While these miniature devices are on the rise, so are the calls of workers to have their privacy protected.”

Workers privacy will not be respected. The data that is collected will be the next major breach we read about in the papers. 

This will absolutely happen:
"With everyone walking around with a unique identifier, privacy is out the window. It will be very difficult to prevent 3rd parties from reading the unique identifier on the tag. This means anyone could track you. Stores could track your entry and exit, showing you targeted ads."


good take on this

What Russia Understands about Trump



Way out of line


I consider myself very Progressive, but this is sheer lunacy. If you really feel that way about the United States of America oh, maybe you should go.

Police State Cracks Down


The ACLU publicized a list obtained by privacy activist Mike Katz-Lacabe of 579 investigations in which the Milwaukee Police Department used its Harris Corp. Stingrays, including it in the ACLU court filings. “Evidence of police hiding their Stingray use from defense attorneys, judges, and the public is widespread,” the ACLU stated.



Surprising that the study funded by the ride hail companies shows the highest hourly pay.

Extreme Gaslighting


Never had I read an article where the author is either to lazy to really did into his opposition, or is just flat out does not care. This whole article is one giant attempt at gas lighting the readers. Let's break this down:

  It really gets going when he writes this:
"Promoting and promulgating — not merely accepting — the massive protests that have occurred in some cities, even when they have led to lawlessness, looting, riots and declarations of autonomy."
- yes, because the outcome in one city is what the whole progressive movement is about. Totally wrong on the progressives to demand equal treatment under the law, the end to systemic racism, and an out of control police force.

"Searching out and destroying unbelievers in pursuit of a politically correct version of history, and doing so with a zeal that would have made Cotton Mather blush."
Kind of sounds like Trump and his loyalty oath.

"Removing statues of historical figures that are deemed unacceptable based on today’s parameters of social justice."
- Yes, because I am sure Black America really responds to statues of former confederate generals, and do not care to see any of their own history represented in this artistic form.

He calls the progressives a "fanatical group". Which again, just sounds like the small number of trump hold outs left. Look at how fanatical they are, please? 

"This is about power. All major elections are."
You are upset that maybe some Democrats have learned the republican lesson from 2010? They are determined to not let that happen again? For a republican to come out and say this is, almost the largest of hypocrisies.

 Judd Gregg has his head firmly planted in a dark place, and just refused to remove it.


Definitely Bad Apples Here

Undercover St. Louis cop says colleagues beat him 'like Rodney King'; describes attack as 'free for all'


The texts are the just the worst. This attitude is nowhere close to protecting and serving the public. Police should not prep for war.


So much for Hoax


Taliban commanders have confirmed that Russia has offered financial and material support to its members in exchange for attacking US forces in Afghanistan.

Yeah, Right

We should not trust articles like these. They are the polls of 2016.

Liberal Ideas are the threat

Neat little article:

God forbid that a banker pay a fair amount in taxes, or a corporattion for that matter.
Heaven help us if Joe wins, and suddenly things start happening to help poor people and the rich people maybe pay a little more to help out. 

What a terrible world that would be.


Arctic Warmup



Doctors Stand Up

We write as physicians to denounce this psychological manipulation. We write to apologize for the discrimination our patients of color have received in the hospital under our watch, we write in gratitude for the tireless labor of Black activists, and we write to condemn how medicine has been weaponized in the service of white supremacy. We write to validate what Black people already know—have always known—that racism is a most pressing public health crisis. We pledge to fight this crisis as if our own breath depended on it.



Drumpf/ Nixon compared


No real surprises here from Krugman in his opinion. 


more patriot act stuff


this is not good



Party like it's 2008


6 is a very small number to claim wide spread fraud, but maybe it is enough to take a bigger look???

ProPublica closely examined six loans that were part of CMBS in recent years to see if their data resembles the pattern described by the whistleblower. What we found matched the allegations: The historical profits reported for some buildings were listed as much as 30% higher than the profits previously reported for the same buildings and same years when the property was part of an earlier CMBS. 


Populism Round 2.0


The brunt of the damage is not being borne by the elites who work in the information economy but by those at the middle and the bottom of the economic ladder — the forgotten Americans who were finally doing better under President Trump until this crisis arrived. Before the pandemic, the U.S. economy had added a half-million manufacturing jobs and low-wage workers.......


How many Utah knew about this?


You would think they did some background research before engaging into this contract.


Damien Patton, who helped launch and now leads the secretive startup Banjo, was part of the Dixie Knights of the Ku Klux Klan as a 17-year-old and joined a leader of the group in a drive-by shooting of a synagogue in a Nashville suburb, according to a report by the online outlet OneZero, citing transcripts of courtroom testimony, sworn statements and more than 1,000 pages of records produced from a federal hate crime prosecution.

Utah officials in 2018 had awarded Patton’s company a sole-source, $750,000 contract to provide massive real-time surveillance of 911 calls, social media and traffic cameras. The company has also signed a $20.7 million contract with the state.



Jobs situation worse than advertised


So, does this mean in reality almost half are unemployed now?
The most recent government data are for mid-March, and report a 72.7% employment rate for 18- to 64-year-olds. As of mid-April, according to RPS, this rate dropped to 55.8%. That stunning 23% decline marks the lowest employment rate for the U.S. since 1962. 


Don't Listen to me


This guy is unreal
Donald J. Trump on Monday blamed his sinking poll numbers on people paying attention when he talks.

he said, “There are a lot of people out there who are listening to things I say and basing their opinions on them, and I think it’s very sad.”


Such a generous man


He does realize that New York puts a lot more money into the Federal coffers, than his state?
Also, his state takes out more from that pot, than New York gets.

OK, no bailout. no big deal we can move on.
No more money from us for your state in the future...
Is that the game he is pushing towards? How petty is that?

Food Chain Strain


Food is going to become a much greater issue in 6 months if this continues.


The Yearly Shutin


The role of seasonality “is certainly not zero,” Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard who coauthored the study, said at a press conference held Tuesday. He cautioned that seasonal variability is not the same thing as saying the virus will go away in the summer. Outbreaks could occur at any time, he noted, but those that begin in the fall might be more severe. That kind of variation could have important implications for how social distancing measures are timed.


Not protecting Stimulus


The payments are going out this week, two weeks after Mnuchin was first informed about the issue. And under the CARES Act, the Treasury Department has the ability to write rules protecting that payment from being taken by financial actors. But Treasury has done nothing of the sort. 


Very Good Read


But you did. You are not crazy, my friends. And so we are about to be gaslit in a truly unprecedented way. It starts with a check for $1,200 (Don’t say I never gave you anything) and then it will be so big that it will be bigly. And it will be a one-two punch from both big business and the big White House — inextricably intertwined now more than ever and being led by, as our luck would have it, a Marketer in Chief. Business and government are about to band together to knock us unconscious again. It will be funded like no other operation in our lifetimes. It will be fast. It will be furious. And it will be overwhelming. The Great American Return to Normal is coming.

Health by lobbying


Trump had directed Veterans Administration officials to take instruction from three un-appointed Mar-a-Lago members who had never served in government or the military. Emails obtained by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington show how VA officials bristled under the shadow leadership of the “Mar-a-Lago Crowd”: Marvel Entertainment Chairman Ike Perlmutter, attorney Marc Sherman, and internist Bruce Moskowitz.

Democracy dies a little more now


This November, it’s all too possible that Trump will eke out an Electoral College win thanks to widespread voter suppression. If he does — or even if he wins cleanly — everything we’ve seen suggests that he will use a second term to punish everyone he sees as a domestic enemy, and that his party will back him all the way. That is, America will do a full Hungary.

I think this is a fact, not a possibility.

Even the military says watch out


Rent-to-own outfits, such as Aaron’s and Rent-A-Center, fill an important segment of this alternative economy. They offer appliances, electronics, and furniture on weekly or monthly payment plans. If a customer makes payments for the full term of the contract (usually 12 to 24 months), they own the good outright. Even though most customers aspire to, and ultimately do, own items obtained through rent-to-own, the industry insists it offers rentals and so is not subject to federal and state credit protections. Disclosing the cost of credit under the federal Truth in Lending Act would mean informing customers that a rent-to-own TV comes with an annualized interest rate as high as 370 percent. The industry also criminalizes debt, routinely filing police complaints and threatening criminal prosecution to extract payments from distressed consumers. The Department of Defense, in a 2006 report, described the rent-to-own business, which targets members of the military, as predatory.

Food Supply Chain is under heavy stress


What accounts for this massive logistical failure, now artificially creating shortages? In nonviral times, much of the food being produced on farms would be sent to schools and restaurants. But with those locations shut down almost categorically nationwide, there’s no infrastructure in place to simply redirect the food to grocery stores and food banks, especially with short-shelf-life items like vegetables, meat, and dairy. Those two tracks—commercial and consumer food supply chains—remain fiercely separated.


"Once you say you're going to settle for second, that's what happens to you in life." - John F. Kennedy


Cost of the vaccancies

Some of the cost at least:

The department is now reeling under roughly 50,000 vacancies—a number larger than the Departments of State, Labor, Education, and Housing and Urban Development combined. These shortages make it difficult to deliver timely care to veterans under normal circumstances. 


Do not tell the Truth


Hospitals are threatening to fire health-care workers who publicize their working conditions during the coronavirus pandemic -- and have in some cases followed through.


Desperate to appear in Charge


They never had Morals


Jeff Bezos is the one guy in high school who got picked on, and now he has to make everyone pay for the abuse he received.



There is no greater illustration of the moral decay of 21st-century corporate America than Amazon. Past behemoths trafficked in noblesse oblige, tolerating unions and even investing in their workforce. Automobile plants and steel mills accepted that the price of doing business was guaranteeing their workers more than a subsistence wage.


Again, Not Surprised


Are we really that surprised?


Add in the fact that no one is "on the floor" trading, so all of the algorithms have a chance to run crazy now.

Keep on Hating


USA Fails at pandemics


More evidence on how the trump virus has totally laid bare the misconceptions and the facades of readiness here in this country.

On the Global Health Security Index, a report card that grades every country on its pandemic preparedness, the United States has a score of 83.5—the world’s highest. Rich, strong, developed, America is supposed to be the readiest of nations. That illusion has been shattered. Despite months of advance warning as the virus spread in other countries, when America was finally tested by COVID-19, it failed.




Trump and his lackeys continue to target the EPA.


Democrats demands


Who knew that trying to actually help Americans would be considered obstructionist. 


Republicans like his response






Supply Chain Meltdown


Will be interesting how many companies adopt a distributed internet like model for their supply chains. Who knows.

Don't here to much about LATM::
Peru’s state of emergency and nationwide lockdown have led major mining companies like Freeport-McMoRan Inc. and Newmont Corp. to curb copper production there. The same is happening in other mining centers like Chile, Canada and Mongolia, with economists at Scotiabank saying the initial result from the hit in Chile and Peru alone leading to the loss of some 325,000 metric tons of copper production, or about 1.7% of global annual output.

“I think it’s irresponsible for anyone to make assumptions right now.”


An utter buffoon

Watching this is painful.


He is unable to simply read something and move on. 


he will deny

But you know he said it.

Trump Tells GOP He Wants Payroll Tax Waived Through Election


Notice, by the way, that these measures would help the economy in an election year, and therefore arguably help Trump politically. But Democrats are willing to do the right thing anyway — a stark contrast to the behavior of Republicans after the 2008 financial crisis, when they offered scorched-earth opposition to anything that might mitigate the damage

he will deny

But you know he said it.

Trump Tells GOP He Wants Payroll Tax Waived Through Election


And they continue closing

And they continue closing.....





it wasn't me


This should be read as, in an effort to avoid responsibility, board members from wells .......

why Democrats lose


Constantly letting the GOP reframe the argument. It is why they always lose. Always playing defense. 

Considering what Schumer said, and how it pales in comparison to the things out of Trump's mouth, the GOP pushes, and he cowers and bends. Typical Democrat.

If the GOP really cared about what he said they would have censured their chief more than once.

Make the numbers better

Well this will certainly lead to less reports, and more cases like this going un-noticed or not investigated.


Situation Normal:: Blame Others

As usual nothing is ever trump's fault.



right media origin


watching the workers, learning....


Workers are training their eventual AI replacements. Over time this footage will be used to teach machines various tasks.



the non-Deep state

There is No Deep State: But We Do Have Some Problems


I thought this was a very measured article.


Clearview hacked

So, the company that illegally scrapped all of the facebook, twitter, and other social media sites, got itself hacked. Something tells me this was a case of hacktivism.


The other thing I find funny about this whole thing. Not the hack per se, but clearview.
Facebook is pissed this person scraped all those pictures.
Isn't that how Zuck started Facebook????


the Amazon trap


Not sure why Amazon gets such a pass on this. Any other business and the federal government would stick their nose in this situation. 

But they also indicate that the primary motivation behind Amazon’s lending program is not short-term financial gain, but rather the corollary effects of making third-party sellers deeply indebted to Amazon.

blocking the votes



corruption is my name


Can you get more Obvious


This far into his presidency, and this headline of the obvious is their choice?
No wonder the media is part of our problems.

This is who you voted for


At that point the administration appears to have finally realized that it might need to do something beyond insisting that things were great. But according to The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent and Paul Waldman, it initially proposed paying for a virus response by cutting aid to the poor — specifically, low-income heating subsidies. Cruelty in all things.

Profits over People



Nice Counterpoint


Vance's story pretty much ignores the working-class battle to get its share of the pie, and the racial turmoil, riots, and struggle for civil rights that would shape the politics of America's cities. It bypasses how millions of white workers would enter America's middle class in the three decades after World War II, as the government invested in their education and subsidized their homeownership. It misses how these workers' legs were then kicked out from under them by foreign competition, technology, globalization, and trade agreements like NAFTA that undercut American jobs. Indeed, Vance sympathizes with company executives who fought off unions, writing, “I might have done the same.”

HUMINT asset arrested

Russian Support Asset Arrested in Miami 



not a unifier

Coronavirus will test whether the planet can unite in the face of a global crisis

The Washington Post


I disagree. I dont see trump doing anything but isolation if this grows. No way will he embrace help from another country. God forbid it is Iran. 


Another Krugman GOP hypocrisy article


Krugman has decried the fiscal hypocrisy of the GOP before. So no shockers in this article. 


Carville is going slightly mad


There is one point in the article, where Carville is said to have turned to the camera, smiled, waved, and said "Hi Vlad!" Carville has become more insistent that Russia is pushing the Bernie Sanders campaign, and this article has certainly come up in the news as well. This does make sense, as Russia only wants to sow more seeds of dissent in the US and other countries around the world.

Carville handed a nother win to Vlad, when he pulled his stupid stunt. You giving the idea at air at all, James, also gives Putin a win. Jim, you are not helping.

The party is not where his politics is at, and I don't believe the country is where he is at anymore. A lot has changed since he helped Billy boy get elected. I am sorry if he can not keep up with the rate of change.


got what we voted for



Further Corruption of Justice


War against those with need


The $4.8 trillion budget proposal released Monday would cut Medicare by $850 billion, cut Medicaid by $920 billion and cut Social Security by $30 billion over the next decade, according to The Washington Post. The proposal would also slash food stamp spending by $181 billion. The plan also calls for a steep 8% cut to the Education budget; a 9% cut to the Health and Human Services Budget, including the Centers for Disease Control; and a 26% cut to the Environmental Protection Agency budget. The Interior Department would see a 13% budget cut; the Department of Housing and Urban Development would see a 15% cut; and both the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development would be slashed by 22%.


recognition at last



Any privacy is now gone

Bye Bye last of your privacy

 But without public scrutiny, more than 600 law enforcement agencies have started using Clearview in the past year, according to the company, which declined to provide a list. The computer code underlying its app, analyzed by The New York Times, includes programming language to pair it with augmented-reality glasses; users would potentially be able to identify every person they saw. The tool could identify activists at a protest or an attractive stranger on the subway, revealing not just their names but where they lived, what they did and whom they knew.

More Warming News

The Doomsday Glacier
Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica is so remote that only 28 human beings have ever set foot on it.